Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Support related FAQ's are towards the bottom

What is Resembler and what does it do?
Resembler is an Ai powered application that enables anyone to experience a life-like connection with historical figures, or famous icons. We refer to them as Virtual Historical Figures (VHF's)

What is a Virtual Historical Figure (VHF)?
Using our specialized Ai technology paired with next-generation natural language processing and voice recognition, our platform brings historical figures to life (virtually). The Virtual Historical Figures (VHF) could be a former President, Inventor, Actor, Musician, Athlete, Famous Icon, or even a Movie Character. And anyone can experience the amazing feeling of interacting with them and asking them questions about their life.

How do I connect with the Virtual Historical Figures (VHF's)?
Set up a FREE account, and then simply do a search on our site for the persons name your looking for. You can also start by browsing through some of our favorites. For details about setting up your FREE account, please visit the About Us page.

Does it cost to connect with VHF's?
Anyone can browse our site and view the VHF profiles. Account setup is required in order to connect. Each new account is provided with some complimentary credits at initial sign up, so you can try it for FREE. After your credits have been used, the purchase of additional credits is required in order to connect. View pricing

How much are credits?
Please view our pricing page for details.

Do my credits expire?
No. Your credits will not expire as long as you don't delete your account.

What are the "Unique Connections" and "Total Time" displayed on the VHF profile page?
"Unique Connections" represents the total number of unique Users who have connected with that VHF. "Total Time" represents the total time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) that all other Users have connected with that VHF.

How do I know that I'm interacting with the authentic VHF?
Accounts with a purple checkmark next to the username require a strict KYC (Know Your Customer) process. Those accounts are marked with a verification checkmark. So you can rest assured, if your interacting with a Ronald Reagan's VHF (with a checkmark), it's been verified. Standard accounts do not require a verification KYC. These accounts will not have a verification checkmark. So if your connecting with a VHF without a checkmark, we can't guarantee the validity of the owner. View KYC requirements

What does the checkmark mean?
The checkmark represents a person, representative , or the legal owner of the estate of the person who has been verified, and has completed the required KYC docs. No Checkmark means the user has NOT been verified and has NOT completed any KYC docs. View KYC requirements

How is it that I can connect with someone who has passed?
Resembler makes the improbable, possible by allowing people to experience the incredible feeling of interacting with historical figures, famous icons, or others who have passed? If the individual had established an account prior to passing, your in luck. If not, the estate of the person could establish an account on their behalf, by having the rights to their likeness and providing Resembler with the required data for the VHF creation.

What languages do you support?
Currently our technology works best with the English language, however most other languages are supported.

What do I need to create an VHF of my own?
Resembler users can easily create a VHF of their own. Just sign up for a FREE account. Once your account is set up, go to the My Avatar area within your Settings. Add a photo for your Avatar/VHF, and a short audio clip of your voice (approximately 2-3 minutes long), and select a personality profile. Resembler handles all the magic from there, and your VHF will come to life in just minutes. Once your VHF is created, share your custom link with your friends so that they can connect, or have them search for you when they visit our site. For best results, see our Best Practices for creating your VHF. For details about setting up your VHF, please visit the About Us page.

Does it cost to set up a VHF of my own?
You can set up your own VHF for FREE. Your VHF will then remain active for 5 days. After the 5 day free trial, there is a nominal annual fee (view pricing) in order to maintain your VHF's active status (so others can connect with it). If you are a Museum or implementing the Reflections in Time Exhibit, please contact us for custom setup and packages.

What happens to my VHF if I don't purchase it or renew it each year?
Your profile will remain active and your VHF will remain in our system for other users to view. It will be notated as Inactive, and other users will not be able to connect with it.

Do I have to use my own photo and my own voice when creating my VHF?
Resembler is designed so that anyone can create a virtual version of themselves, or a historical figure and allow anyone else to experience the feeling of interacting with them. Ideally the platform will be utilized accordingly, however we understand that some people may want to test the technology and maybe have some fun with it. As long as you have the legal rights to a particular photo and voice, then feel free to use it. We also do provide some alternative stock voice options for those who do not wish to use their own voice. You can select one of the alternative voice options while creating your VHF.

Can I use a different photo for my VHF, then I use for the profile photo?
Yes. See our Best Practices page for details on creating your VHF.

Can I change the photo/image that I'm using for my VHF?
Yes. You can change the photo/image that is used for your VHF at any time in the Settings area. However, please note that there is a nominal fee for each time you change your VHF Photo. View pricing

Can I change the voice that I'm using for my VHF?
Yes. You can change the voice that is used for your VHF at any time in the Settings area.

Can I change the personality profile that I'm using for my VHF?
Yes. You can change the personality profile that is used for your VHF at any time in the Settings area.

Can I activate someone else's VHF that is inactive?
Yes. It is possible for another user to renew/activate someone else's VHF (i.e. A Grandchild wants to activate a Grandparents VHF). Please contact us for details.

What level of customization's are there for the VHF?
It is our goal for every VHF to resemble the intended figures individual characteristics as closely as possible. Please contact us for details on advanced VHF development options.

Why would I want to create a VHF of myself?
We may be mere mortals but our Legacy endures. We're remembered, and memorialized through writings, pictures, videos, and more. And although pictures, and videos go a long way to help archive who we are, or who we once were, they don't come close to providing the experience of a one-on-one interaction. Resembler empowers us to preserve some of the key elements that make us who we are, and present them in a way that provides future generations with the incredible feeling of interacting with us, and the sense of actually being together. Resembler makes it possible fore anyone to create a timeless legacy that will endure for generations. Imagine, your great-great-great grandchildren will be able to experience what it would be like interacting with you 100's of years from now. If your the director or curator of a museum, our technology can be utilized to create an exciting interactive experience for your visitors with our Reflections in Time Exhibit. Please contact us for details.

Can I earn revenue from my VHF?
Yes. Resembler users have the opportunity to share in the revenue their VHF's produce. Revenue is produced when other users connect with your VHF. View details

Is there a fee to receive a verification checkmark?
No. Verification is free.

I have a relative who has passed, and would like to create a VHF for them. Is that possible?
Yes. As long as you have the rights to their likeness, and have about 2-3 minutes of audio of them, and a good photo, then you can create an account and a VHF on their behalf. If you have more questions about setting this up or need assistance, please contact us.

I created an account, but don't see my profile when searching in the search results?
Only users who have created a VHF (and active) will show up in the search results. Users who have not created a VHF will still have a profile page ( and be able to connect with others VHF's, but will not be listed in the search results.

What files should I upload for my voice?
The quality of the voice samples you upload will influence the quality of the output voice we generate. We recommend uploading 2 minutes or longer of clear audio file. (.mp3 are preferred. However, .mp4, .m4a, and other audio file formats are also supported). Max 10MB containing a single speaker with no music and background noise. Please visit our best practices page for more information.

Are there any restrictions on what voice I can upload for my VHF?
You must be the rightful owner of the files you upload to the Platform. You are responsible for all files you upload to and generate on the platform, and for the consequences of publishing those files elsewhere. Resembler claims no rights over the files you upload to the platform, except the right to review said files in accordance with local laws. If you are unsure about whether you can publish content featuring a voice file, we advise that you consider your domestic law's stance on copyright before publishing any such content.

Is there a way to improve the sound of the VHF voice?
The quality of the voice is dependent upon the quality of the data that is provided by the users. Therefore some VHF's may sound more real or authentic than others. If you think your voice could be improved, please try to upload a more clear voice sample. Also the longer the sample, the better the output. Please visit our best practices page for more information. Enhanced voice customization is available. Please contact us for more information.

Is my data safe?
Your data is completely safe with us. We don't share it with anyone and don't use it to run ads. Privacy and security is a top priority.

Can I deactivate my VHF?
Yes. Users have full control of their own VHF. They can make changes to it, and deactivate their VHF if they don't want anyone to connect to it.

I'm concerned about the potential for mal-intent with the use of my voice?
Although the custom voices that our AI produces resembles the owners very closely, there are many technologies on the market that can easily detect with certainty that the voice has been reproduced by a computer. In addition, most of the audio generated by our AI will be watermarked, so that it can be traced back to us. Suffice to say that if you've ever posted audio or video to a social media platform or any other publicly accessible platform that includes your voice, and there is someone who is determined to use that voice for mal-intent, there are plenty of other tools already available on the market for them to do so. Utilization of any voice that is not the owners, or an entity who has rights of the owners is a strict violation of our TOS, and all known infringements will be reviewed and actioned accordingly.

I'm concerned that my VHF's responses might not 100% reflect how I might reply.
One of our goals is to allow anyone who wants to create a VHF to be able to do so. This includes making it as affordable as possible. Therefore, by default, all VHF's start out by running on our general AI modeling engine. We've implemented some general filters in order to maintain neutral positions with respect to polarizing social and political topics, as well as offensive, or romantic innuendos. We are continually working to improve our technology in order to provide users with more enhanced customization options and features. Each VHF includes a disclaimer within their profile. Advanced customization is available for more enhanced individual characteristics, and personalization. Please contact us for information about customization options.

What is your policy regarding protecting the rights of the owners voice?
We're committed both to respecting intellectual property rights and to implementing safeguards against the potential misuse of our technology. Our TOS prohibits malicious use of our technology towards any purpose which can be deemed illegal or harmful. In addition, VHF's with a checkmark have provided KYC documentation. In some instances we may use recognizable voices. We do so for entertainment, or demonstration purposes, and the data is either open-source or belong to the public domain, and in contexts which are so far as possible socially and politically neutral. At the same time, VHF's that are designated as not the real person are clearly marked within the profile as to not mislead or misrepresent anyone. We seek to support voice owners and their licensors in claiming their rights and all known infringements will be reviewed and actioned accordingly. Users who are establishing a VHF as a representative of someone must secure permission from the voice owner(s) for such use.

Do I own the files I upload?
Yes, we claim no rights over the files our users upload to the Platform, except the right to review said files in accordance with local laws. You retain full ownership of all of your contributions and any intellectual property rights or other proprietary rights associated with your contributions. We claim no Intellectual Property Rights over the Files you Upload or the Content you Generate using our Services, including the recordings of your own voice, and we will not use the Files you Upload to independently generate any content outside of the Resembler platform.

The Username (@username) I'm trying to register is showing not available, but there doesn't seem to be any current account using that name?
Usernames can only contain alphanumeric characters (letters A-Z, numbers 0-9) with the exception of underscores (_). They must be a minimum of 7 characters and a maximum of 25 characters. If you believe a specific username might be available and would like to request the use of a username that is showing as not available, please contact us.

Do you have an app for iOS or Android?
Currently there is no Resembler app. The website works well on desktops and mobile. This allows us to update Resembler without asking users to constantly update an app.

Support FAQ's

Q. I'm trying to set up an account but I didn't receive a confirmation email.
A. If you did not receive your confirmation email, please check your spam folder. If you need additional assistance setting up your account, please contact our support team.

Q. How do I interact with the VHF's?

      1. Setup a FREE Account. (You'll receive some FREE credits so you can try it out)
2. After Setup, search for your favorite VHF name in the top search area. Or, view our favorites.
3. Click on the Connect button.
4. Once on the connect page, you can start interacting by using your mic, or by typing.

Q. How do I create my own VHF?

      1. Setup a FREE account.
2. Go to My Avatar
3. Complete the Avatar/VHF setup. Provide a Photo, 2-3 minutes of Voice Audio or Select from Stock Voices, select an AI Personality Profile, and Save. (Your VHF is FREE to setup.) For optimal results, please view our Best Practices
4. Waite about 5-7 minutes while Resembler creates your lifelike VHF.
5. If you want to interact with your own VHF, click on your @my_username in the top right, and then Connect.

Q. I get an error when uploading my VHF photo.
A. Photos should be a .jpg, .gif, or .png file. If your photo was rejected, please try uploading a different photo. Photo's may be rejected if they resemble a famous celebrity. If you continue to experience issues or you are a famous celebrity, please contact our support team.

Q. In my settings area, why is my "Total Time" different than my "Total Time Since Last Payout"?
A. There are several reasons these numbers might be different. If you connected with your own VHF, that time is not counted towards your earnings. Only time that others connect with your VHF will count towards your earnings. If you've earned enough, and have requested a payout, then your "Total Time Since Last Payout" will reset. Your "Total Time" will always reflect, the total time that all users, including yourself have connected with your VHF from the first day you set up your VHF onward. This "Total Time" will also display in your public profile to other users.

Q. I did not get a response from the VHF.
A. If you have plenty of credits, and did not get a response, please refresh your screen, and try again. If you lost some credits as a result, please notify our support team.