Earn Revenue From Your Virtual Historical Figure (VHF)

Put your VHF to work, and start EARNING. Revenue is earned every time other Resembler users connect with your VHF.

Easy!! No special forms to fill out.
You'll automatically start earning.
Watch CA$H flow into your account.
Get paid through Paypal.
Easily request a payout.
Earn $0.25 for every minute.

Enhance Your Earnings By Promoting Your VHF

Post your VHF's unique Resembler link on your website and all of your socials so that your customers and followers can easily find it, and connect.

Your unique Resembler link will be: https://resemblerai.com/your_username.

You can also find your unique Resembler link within your Profile Setttings area.

If you have questions, please contact support.

Revenue share is subject to our TOS.

Last Updated: February 27, 2024