Resembler Pricing

Experience all the features Resembler has to offer. Get started for FREE (No credit card required).


Create A Virtual Historical Figure (VHF)

Create a lifelike historical figure with our AI Emulator.

5 day FREE VHF trial.
Custom Name & Image.
Custom Voice & Personality.
Make changes as needed.
Free verification checkmark.
Earn revenue when other connect.
Custom profile link @your_name.
3600 Credits/Year (Approx. $44/yr).

Connect with Other VHF's

Interact with Virtual Historical Figures, and ask them questions about their life .

Receive FREE credits at signup.
Purchase more credits as needed.
Credits never expire.
No monthly subscriptions.

Credit Package Options

  • Basic $4.95: 6 Min. | 83¢/Min. | 360 Credits
  • Value $9.95: 13 Min. | 77¢/Min. | 780 Credits
  • Value+ $14.95: 20 Min | 74¢/Min. | 1200 Credits
    (60 Credits is equal to approx. 1 minute)